Ongoing Research Projects
1. Participatory Humanitarianism: Linking Mental Health Data to Action with Older Refugees and Refugees with Disabilities as Co-Researchers
Funder: Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (Elrha) Funding Amount: £175,868 Grant No. :81277 Collaborators: Amref International University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Help Age Kenya, Albinism Society of Kenya
Commencement Date: April 2023
Principal Investigator (PI): Dr Lucy Njiru
Co-Pi-Prof Julie Tippens- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr. Josphat Nyagero- Amref International University
Dr. Angela Palmer -Walker
Hon. Isaack Mwaura-Albinism Society of Kenya
Dr. Lydiah Makena-HelpAge Kenya
We propose to co-develop and test a methodologically flexible, interactive mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) toolkit in partnership with older refugees and refugees with disabilities as co-researchers using a participatory action research (PAR) approach. Humanitarian actors rely on evidence to guide decision-making. Yet, older people and people with disabilities can be difficult to reach during assessment and evaluation data collection. Moreover, there is limited advice on how to ethically engage these diverse and marginalised groups in data collection. The toolkit – tentatively called “HESHIMA: A Guide to Collaborative and Inclusive Health Research in Humanitarian Settings” will address these challenges by providing guidance on research ethics, building partnerships with older people and people with disabilities, adaptation of recruitment, data collection and dissemination strategies to enhance inclusion. Importantly, this strategy has the potential to address both MPHSS research processes and outcomes, equipping humanitarian actors, older people, and people with disabilities with evidence to advocate for lasting solutions. “‘Heshima’ is Kiswahili for ‘respect’ or ‘dignity,’ and we seek to promote these through our toolkit. Indeed, as an acronym, HESHIMA is our anchoring keystone for inclusion and equity: Honouring Experiences and Shared Humanity in Mobilising for Action.”

2. Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Education on Cardiometabolic Diseases and Online Blended Learnin
Funder: Novo Nordisk Foundation Grant No: 0087732 Funding Amount: DKK 4,908,642 Collaborators: Amref Institute of Capacity Development, NCD Alliance, African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) and Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB)
Commencement Date: March, 2024
Implementing Departments
Department and Midwifery lead by Head of Department Mr Jesse Oyieke in collaboration with Department of Community Health

3. Developing an Interdisciplinary Global Forced Migration and Health Collaborative (FMHC)
Funder: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Funding amount: $150,000 Grant No: N/A Collaborators: AMIU, Moi University, University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL)
The proposed project will prepare an interdisciplinary, international team to submit a Grand Challenges Catalyst proposal that bridges entrenched siloes to improve humanitarian systems and ultimately advance the health of forcibly displaced populations in Nebraska and around the world.
Commencement Date:March, 2024
Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Julie Tippens- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr. Alice Lakati-Amref International University
Dr. Lucy Njiru- Amref International University
Dr. Dr Dulo Nyaoro-Moi University
4. Utilization of community-centred digital health intervention for prevention of teenage pregnancies and support to teen mothers in Informal settlements in Nairobi
Funder: Tsinghua University -Bringing Research to Impact for Global Health (BRIGHT) Funding amount: $ 28,000 Collaborators: AMIU, Technical University of Kenya,
Promote sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) for adolescent and teenage pregnancy prevention and support to young mothers using LEAP digital technologies
Commencement Date: September, 2023.
Principal Investigator (PI): Prof.Tammary Esho- Amref International University
Dr. James Munyao-Technical University of Kenya
Dr. Joyce Omwaho- Technical University of Kenya

5. Global Health Workforce Programme by Ukaid on physiotherapy and allied workers
Funder: UKAID Funding amount: £50,000 Collaborators: Afya Africa (AOS), the County Government of Nairobi Occupational Safety and Health Department, the Ministry of Health, Kenya Society of Physiotherapy (KSP) & Physiotherapy Council of Kenya (PCK), Kenya
To strengthen the capacity of partners to co-develop and deliver two new training programs and Manual Handling Technique (MHT) for its health workforce (HWF) and to generate evidence and learning of what works for HWF strengthening in Kenya in terms of training uptake, training implementation strategies and prevention and management of manual handling injuries such as back pain and neck pain in the workplace.
Commencement Date: January, 2024
Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Leonard Henry Joseph-University of Brighton
Co-PI-Christine Muya-Amref International University

6. Learning for Life: Building a Resilient and Responsive Health Workforce in Africa
Funder: Mastercard Foundation Funding Amount: $ 6,637,252.12 Collaborators: Amref (Headquarters, Amref Health Innovations (AHI), Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), Canada, Senegal, Zambia)
Higher education institutions are well-positioned to advance the MasterCard Foundation (MCF)’s health strategy. This is because of the former’s unique concentration of talent, mission to train future leaders, and capacity to develop and leverage knowledge that can create both global and locally contextualized solutions. Higher education institutions identify locally driven solutions which can counter problems facing the health sector in developing countries, provide the space for re-skilling, retooling, continuous learning; and also develop the skilled leaders and innovators needed to transform the education system and beyond. The aim of this project is to establish a network that is anchored in Africa and builds on existing networks to ensure local knowledge and expertise are prioritized in creating exponential impact. This network approach will allow reach across borders and sectors in order to address health sector challenges and leverage the power of higher education institutions as sites of knowledge exchange, community collaboration, and cross-sector partnerships.
Commencement Date: March, 2024
Pillar Leads:
Dr Micah Matiangi: Health Employment
Dr.Dancan Irungu- Health Entrepreneurship
Mr. Francis Namisi- Health Ecosystem
7. CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative
Funder: National Institute for Health Funding Amount: $ 246,241,000 Collaborators: Kenya Medical Research Institute, Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Karachi, Pakistan, Amref International University
The Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) in partnership with the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) in Karachi, Pakistan, seek to strengthen capacity for bioethics training in the two countries through the establishment of the CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative (CKBTI), that offers a Masters in Bioethics (MBE), Post- Graduate Diploma (PGD) and Certificate Courses in Bioethics. Amref International University is an implementing partner of this grant and is responsible for offering Master's courses in Bioethics.
Commencement Date: 2017
Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi
Dr. Alice Lakati- Amref International University
8. Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists
Funder: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Funding Amount: EUR 750,000.00 Grant number: CSA2020E-3139 CDAE CSA2020E Collaborators: African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), and Lund University (Sweden)
The Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists (CDAE) project aims to establish a networked cohort of highly skilled applied epidemiologists (EPI fellows), who are able to work with National Public Health Institutes (NPIs) and National Ministry of Health (MoH) Departments to improve their levels of preparedness, field surveillance, and response to disease outbreaks within the Eastern Africa region. The project strengthens the research and policy engagement capacity of EPI fellows through a mentored and practical learning programme. It also strengthens the training, research and supervision capacity of faculty members within targeted universities for effective delivery of academic programmes in applied epidemiology. The project harnesses a robust suite of field epidemiology and disease surveillance skills, data standards and analytical methodologies, and scientific writing for policy uptake. It strengthens the capacity of health personnel in epidemiology and biostatistics to efficiently monitor, analyse and interpret disease outbreak data, and to inform policy and decision making within countries in the broader Eastern Africa region that are prone to epidemic outbreaks. The project is currently supporting 15 fellows (drawn from Amref International University and) who are expected to graduate with Master’s degree in Epidemiology by June of 2024.
Commencement Date: September, 2021
Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Hesborn Wao
Co-investigators: Dr Alice Lakati-Amref International University
Dr.Dickens Omondi- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)